The Twiga Experience
Our extensive opencast mining services operate through Nhlapo group of companies. Our mining division incorporates a complete range of opencast mining services and expertise. This includes load and haul services, material handling, drilling and blasting, dewatering and clearing of slurry ponds, crushing and screening, and plant hire.
Nature's Produce Unraveled.
Phasellus dui enim, posuere ac porta non, convallis non eros. Mauris massa purus, ultricies vel venenatis in, cursus vitae tortor. Nam vehicula blandit velit, a fermentum elit blandit et.
The Mining Divisions you need
to get started
Twiga Mining is a mining department that belongs to the Nhlapo group of companies and specializes in three different mining divisions.
Twiga Mining Services
Our Twiga Mining Division is equipped to assist with road / haul of all material types, drilling, blasting, de-watering, rehabilitation, materials handling, cleaning of slurry ponds, plant hire, crushing, screening, mine planning, scheduling & feasibility studies.
Twiga Global Ore Mining
Our Twiga Global Ore Division is driven to mine for gold which typically involves methods like panning, sluicing, dredging, hard rock and by-product mining. Our Twiga Global Ore mining division is both based both locally and in Zambia.
Twiga Bona Resources
Our Twiga Bona Resources division is responsible for housing the cobalt mines in South Africa.
Get in touch with us if you have any enquiries
Phone No
+27 72 336 4205
+27 82 886 4541
Business Hours
Weekdays - 8AM to 5PM
Weekends- OFF